Vibration dampers Bushing types

Dampers bushing types mainly in NR rubber, hardness 57 shore A +/-5, St37.
Other dimensions, types of rubber, materiales and hardness on request.

Type Bushing: Flexible bushing consisting of two metal tubes with rubber inbetween, vulcanized on both metal pipes.
Type T-Block: T-shaped rubber anchor with metal bushing.
Type T-Flex: T-shaped rubber anchor with thread. When the threaded part is tightened, the rubber is presset against the large flange.
Type RB: Conical shaped damper with metal plate in one side and plain pass through hole.
Type GH: Cylindrical type with metal plate on both sides and plain pass through hole. 
Type GK: Cylindrical type with metal plate on one side and plain pass through hole.
Type IS: Cylindrical type with metal plate and plain pass through hole.
Type GP: Cylindrical rubber ring without back plate. Plain pass through hole.

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